
2021-03-06 18:17:34 字數 1280 閱讀 5700


select 月,商品,sum(數量

) as 銷量,sum(***數量) as 銷售額into #temp

from 銷售表

group by 月,商品

select a.*

from #temp a,(

select 月,max(銷量) as 最大銷量from #temp

group by 月

) bwhere a.月=b.月

and a.銷量=b.最大銷量

上面看起來比較清晰,如果要用「一條語句」的話,拼起來即可select a.*

from (

select 月,商品,sum(數量) as 銷量,sum(***數量) as 銷售額

from 銷售表

group by 月,商品

) a,(

select 月,max(銷量) as 最大銷量from (

select 月,商品,sum(數量) as 銷量,sum(***數量) as 銷售額

from 銷售表

group by 月,商品

)group by 月

) bwhere a.月=b.月

and a.銷量=b.最大銷量



select distinct 月, 商品, sum(數量) total from tab group by 月, 商品 記做t1


select t.月, t.商品,max(t.total) maxpermonth from t1, 記做t2


select t3.月, t3.商品, t2.maxpermonth, t2.maxpermonth * t1.price

from tab t3, t2


select t3.月, t3.商品, t2.maxpermonth, t2.maxpermonth * t3.price

from tab t3, (select t1.月, t1.商品,max(t1.total) maxpermonth

from (select distinct 月, 商品, sum(數量) total

from tab

group by 月, 商品) t1

group by t1.月, t1.商品)t2

where t3.月 = t2.月

and t3.商品 = t2.商品


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那就改一下關聯欄位就行了 select from 表a order by select count 1 from 表b where 使用者表id 表a.id 另外,您還可以把行數在查詢中顯示出來,並按照行數從多到少的順序排列 select select count 1 from 表b where 使...


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