my school is a beautiful environment of the school, the school is very big, there are thousands of students, they are very good
樓上補充的 他們都非常好? 貌似講不過去啊。。。我覺得他們都非常勤奮好點吧
our school has a beautiful environment, its floor area is very huge. there are thousands of students in our school, who are diligent and kind.
descriptionthis is my school, a high school, it's very beautiful and very clean, i like it very much.
常年的英文 perennial throughout the year perennial 參考例句 he persists in physical training all the year round.他常年堅持體育鍛煉。in general scotland is colder through...
小道 詞典 trail path branch passageway byway 例句 迂迴曲折的小道使我們迷失了 回方向。答the winding trail caused us to lose our orientation.小路用英語怎麼說!小路little road 沿著小路走用英語怎麼說 ...
蒲公英英語怎麼說,蒲公英的英語翻譯 蒲公英用英語怎麼說
你好,抄蒲公英 襲的英文名稱是bai dandelion 英 d nd la n 美du d ndl a n 望採納zhi,謝謝!dao dandelion 例句 他們喜歡吃草,三葉草,蒲公英和其它植物。they like to eat grasses,clover,dandelion and ot...