i like grapes more than you.
no,you don't! yes,ido!
and i like grapes more than you.
i like cherries. i do,too!
i like cherries more than you.
no,you dont't! yes, i do!
and i like cherries more than you.
we like fruit
we like fruit! sour or sweet! fruit is very good to eat!
do you like bananas? yes,i like bananas!
dose he like bananas? yes,he likes bananas!
we like fruit! sour or sweet! fruit is very good to eat!
do you like pears? yes,i like pears!
dose she like pears? yes,she likes pears!
we like fruit! sour or sweet! fruit is very good to eat!
do you like lemons? yes,we like lemons!
do they like lemons? yes,they like lemons!
we like fruit! sour or sweet! fruit is very good to eat!
never exhume me,i don't want you,my dream,just like a wate***ll in black and white,but you needed to know that i lied toyou,why don't you stay here?does she love me?my dream,to cruise through outer space and feelthe breeze,i can't believe this ...
不知道你說的是那個寵愛 找了2個 你看看是不歌曲 寵愛 歌手 林憶蓮 回 別步在前面飛快獨奏快至我沒法可跟你走 但亦別留後因風中我亦也不知怎領導著你走 但實在途上可以合奏你與我若各伸出兩手 步伐沒前後假使彼我漫漫長路也肯一塊走 敢不敢張開彼此宇宙飲彼此的苦酒美酒 千千億億寵愛為你我肯傾瀉 可否精精采...
中國美 作詞 徐子淳 作曲 徐子崴 演唱 玖月奇蹟 王小瑋 山也美 水也美 山水之間流淌著中國美山歌好比長江水 號子一喊黃河醉 王小海 天也美 地也美 頂天立地中國人最美 武當少林真功夫 望聞問切大智慧 合 中國美 中國美 中國的美是婉約的美王小瑋 一灣柔情西湖水 一簾幽夢故人歸 合 中國美 中國美...
林宥嘉 李煒 豆豆的 第一課 歌詞你醒來時候,問候你好 升起的陽光,哼著歌謠 心情像彩虹,繽紛舞蹈 你我的臉上,寫滿微笑 相同的呼吸,相同心跳 敞開心去看,幸福環繞 放飛你的夢,不怕山高 勇敢做自己,就是最好 成長的路上,總有煩惱 與夥伴一起,愛的擁抱 校園的花草,一同長高 開學第一課,用心起跑 相...