
2022-06-28 18:16:56 字數 936 閱讀 3162


一:1:taste good 2:

take a walk 3:brush your teeth 4:has a good job 5:

get dressed 6:clean your room


what time does your mother usually get up?b:at5:

45 a:why does she get up so early? b:

because she always makes breakfast for me

2:a:what time do you usually get to school?

b:at7:30 a:

what time does your class teacher usually get to school?



tastes good

take a walk

brush your teeth

has a good job

get dressed

clean my room

what time does your mother usually get up?

she usually gets up at 5:45.

why doea she get up so early?

because she always makes breakfast for me.

what time do you usually get to school?

i usually get to school at 7:30.

when does your class teacher usually get to school?


1.to go 因為it is time to 表示是該做 的時間了。go to bed 去睡覺 2.可能添little 翻譯成他幾乎沒有朋友可以聊天。比較符合題意。3.a 題意為我們能休息一下嗎?回答恐怕不能,所以用not。1.to go be time to 表示是該做 的時間了。go to b...


自己想!天天腦子裡面就曉得抄,其實,你用心,也很容易的!mondey after school,i was doing my homework.than i begen to play computer games.tuesday it s same to yesterday.wednsday to...

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