model:she goes to bed at nine.
she went to bad at nine yesterday.
1.he often does his homework at school.
he( did ) his homework at school yesterday.
model:this is his ball.
this ball is his.
2.do you want some tea?
( would ) you (like ) some tea?
3.there are many types of clothes.
there are many ( kinds) ( of )clothes.
2.would, like
3.kinds of
model:she goes to bed at nine.
she went to bad at nine yesterday.
1.he often does his homework at school.
he( did ) his homework at school.
model:this is his ball.
this ball is his.
2.do you want some tea?
( would) you (like ) some tea?
3.there are many types of clothes.
there are many (different ) (types of ) clothing.
1.天上的星星在閃爍。改為擬人句 天上的星星像孩子的眼睛一樣閃爍著光芒。2.天氣太熱了,簡直叫人受不了。改為誇張句 天氣太熱了,人們就像在蒸蘢裡一樣,實在是受不了了。3.湖水真靜。改為比喻句 湖水平靜的尤如明鏡一般。4.他的行為讓每個人都很感動。改為反問句 難道他的行為不是讓每個人都很感動嗎?5.一...
how long how does to work 1.how soon 2.how does to work 1.how long 2.how does.to go to work lends ahouse tomary tom借了間房子給mary nothing atall 1.borrow t...
按要求寫句子,按要求寫句子。 1 寫一個反問句。 nbsp
因為黃河給兩岸人民帶來了深重的苦難,所以黃河成了禍河。樓下那位兄弟,你在害人知不知道?按要求寫句子 按要求寫句子 1 夏天來了,太陽公公炙烤著大地,連白雲妹妹都躲起來了.2 夏天來了,大人小孩都換上了最薄的衣服,可汗水還是直往外冒.3 夏天來了,連大樹都失去了往日的精神,耷拉著被晒焉的樹葉.4 夏天...