建立一個窗體,把borderstyle屬性設為0 - none,在窗體上面繪製一個timer、一個label就可以了,不用修改其他屬性。開啟**區,寫下以下**:
dim x1, y1 as single
private sub form_load()
me.caption = "ê±öó"
me.borderstyle = 0
with me
.height = 495
.width = 2655
.backcolor = vbblack
end with
with label1
.left = 120
.top = 120
.backstyle = 0
.forecolor = vbwhite
end with
timer1.interval = 1000
label1.caption = format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss")
end sub
private sub form_mousedown(button as integer, shift as integer, x as single, y as single)
if button = 1 then x1 = x: y1 = y
end sub
private sub form_mousemove(button as integer, shift as integer, x as single, y as single)
if button = 1 then me.left = me.left + x - x1: me.top = me.top + y - y1
end sub
private sub label1_mousedown(button as integer, shift as integer, x as single, y as single)
if button = 1 then x1 = x: y1 = y
end sub
private sub label1_mousemove(button as integer, shift as integer, x as single, y as single)
if button = 1 then me.left = me.left + x - x1: me.top = me.top + y - y1
end sub
private sub timer1_timer()
label1.caption = format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss")
end sub
哈哈,我也剛學,不過這個我差不多理解拉 資料型別是所有程式語言都會有的問題。應該搞清楚。vb裡面的理解比較容易些,所有的資料型別宣告都用dim關鍵字,例如dim i as integer dim strname as string等等整型,長整型,單精度,雙精度 都是數值型。表示數字一般。主要分別就...
新建工程 一個窗體一個picturebox控制元件將picturebox控制元件的name屬性設為p1,複製以下 即可private sub form click p1.print 單擊窗體 end sub private sub p1 click p1.print 單擊 框 end sub pri...
vb模組也稱 模組 visual basic 的 儲存在模組中。模組有三種型別 窗體 標準和類。簡單的應用程式可以只有一個窗體,應用程式的所有 都駐留在窗體模組中。而當應用程式龐大複雜時,就要另加窗體。最終可能會發現在幾個窗體中都有要執行的公共 因為不希望在兩個窗體中重複 所以要建立一個獨立模組,它...