求幫忙寫篇英語作文,今晚速回明天下午6 00過時將取消提問

2022-12-04 14:46:17 字數 1087 閱讀 7294


dear sir,

i』m a middle school student. i often listen to your music programme. i like the programme very much, especially the english songs.

as a student, i』m busy with my studies. when i feel tired, i』ll turn on the radio and listen to your programme. i』ve also learned many english words from these songs.

of all the english songs, i like 「my heart will go on」 best. would you please send me the words of the song? thank you!


li ming


no. 28 middle school,suzhou

april 8, 2004

dear sir,

i』m a middle school student. i often listen to your music programme. i like the programme very much, especially the english songs.

as a student, i』m busy with my studies. when i feel tired, i』ll turn on the radio and listen to your programme. i』ve also learned many english words from these songs.

of all the english songs, i like 「my heart will go on」 best. would you please send me the words of the song? thank you!


li ming


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