
2023-01-25 00:45:52 字數 1074 閱讀 2090


select year as 年份,

sum(case when month = 1 then value else 0 end) as 一月,

sum(case when month = 2 then value else 0 end) as 二月,

sum(case when month = 3 then value else 0 end) as 三月,

sum(case when month = 4 then value else 0 end) as 四月,

sum(case when month = 5 then value else 0 end) as 五月,

sum(case when month = 6 then value else 0 end) as 六月,

sum(case when month = 7 then value else 0 end) as 七月,

sum(case when month = 8 then value else 0 end) as 八月,

sum(case when month = 9 then value else 0 end) as 九月,

sum(case when month = 10 then value else 0 end) as 十月,

sum(case when month = 11 then value else 0 end) as 十一月,

sum(case when month = 12 then value else 0 end) as 十二月

from 表a

group by year



select '年份',group_concat(concat(month,'月'))

from 表a

group by year


select year,group_concat(value)from 表a

group by year

當然,group_concat 只能在mysql下使用


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用SQL語句建立簡單的資料庫 請大家幫忙啊

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