where was the panada born?
we enjoyed ourselves last sunday.
do you give him any storybooks in your classroom?
where the panda was born?
we enjoy ourselves last sunday.
did you give him any storybooks in your classroom?
1. where was the panada born?
2. we enjoyed ourselves last sunday.
3. do you give him any storybooks in your classroom?
(1)where was the panda born?
(2) i enjoyed myself last sunday.
(3)did i give him some storybooks in our classroom?
我服了你,英語原文呢?哪能無中生有答案出來呀?英語日常對話 簡單的 有中文的 至少有60句 我很急拉!幫幫忙啦!幾道關於初二英語的題目,各位幫幫忙吧!謝謝!1.need t 表示need not 不需要做某事 need not do something 如果a的話 doesn t need to d...
1.把x和y的值代入式子裡面直接求或者化簡以後代入求。因為x y 1,所以。x y 2 7 x y 3 5 x y 2 x y 7 x y 3 3 x y 2 9 7 x y 3 x y 7 x y 3 92.先合併同類項。2ax 2 x 2 3x 2 5x 2 3x 6bx 2 6 6b x 2a...
幾道初中的英語題急求答案,幾道初中的英語題。 急求答案
1。a two more hours 2.a.yourselves 隨便吃魚,孩子們。3。c.one more 數 more 再一個5。c.such 最好用that 6.nothing nothing left 根據上下文 1 a 是有工作了兩個鐘頭 估計都到了14點了!2 a 意思是說 孩子們 你...