tom is not used to get up so early/ tom is not used to
wake-up so early.
yesterday』s rain (storm) had prevented us from playing
i am looking forward to see him again in shanghai
wherever you work, you must work hard.
when i arrived at the airport, the flight (airplane) already
took off.
he is too young (**all) to dress up by himself.
he studied hard last semester; as a result, he passed the
i cannot speak english as fast as you can.
he cannot operate this machine, nor can i.
高一物理題 急求解釋 感謝感謝
由題意可知該小球做平拋運動。水平方向上做速度為v0的勻速運動,垂直方向上做自由落體運動。所以在ts時水平方向上vt水平 v0,垂直方向vt垂直 gtt 1 s時有 水平方向有 v t 1 水平 v0,垂直方向v t 1 垂直 g t 1 又有ts末時速度與水平方向夾角45.所以有tan45 v0 g...
這種長對聯 要有內容介紹 才能寫出創意 不是隨便複製 山河顯秀麗 滿堂光輝 鬆茂竹苞千載盛 庭階生瑞氣 閤家喜慶 蘭馨桂馥萬世昌。求兩幅15字的新居落成對聯帶橫批,萬分感謝!40 上聯 新居欣逢旭日初昇屋樑燕集歌人傑 下聯 華屋喜遇紫陽正照喬木鶯遷感地靈 橫批 厚德載福 喬遷之喜吉祥如意福星高照全家...
include include include 最後一個沒時間寫了,我大概給你寫出來了,你就查詢什麼的自己寫寫吧,不難。int power 3 typedef struct stu void pearch int test2,int num,int res 1 void change int tes...