dim a as long
dim i as long
dim j as long
private sub form_load()for i = 1 to 500
if i mod 7 = 0 and i mod 3 = 0 then
j = i
a = a + j
end if
next i
text1.text = a
end sub
dim i as integer
dim sum as integer
for i=1 to 500
if i mod 3=0 and i mod 7 =0 thensum=sum+i
next i
print sum
dim n as integer
for n=1 to 500
if n mod 3 =0 and n mod 7=0 then print n
next n
option explicit private sub form click dim i as integer,j as integer,n as integer dim isp as boolean n 0 for i 3 to 500 step 2isp true for j 2 to i 1 ...
就兩個公式嘛 圓的周長 2 半徑 圓周率 直徑 圓周率 即 圓的周長 2 r 或 d 面積 s r 或s d 2 程式,自己弄一個textbox 1用來輸入圓的半徑textbox2用來顯示計算結果周長 textbox3用來顯示計算結果面積 新增兩個button1命名為計算圓的周長和麵積。定義常量 定...
dim x as integer inputbox 請輸入值 dim result as integer 你的計算 msgbox result 1 vb6.0編寫程式,計算下列分段函式,要求輸入x的值,輸出y的值。30分,其中介面設計詳細全面2分 1 編 來寫程式,計算下列分段源函式,要求輸入x的值...