
2021-03-19 08:53:06 字數 1266 閱讀 3639


self-evaluation: cheerful optimi**, enthusia** to make improvements. strong ability to work independently and ***mand coordination, can bear hardships and stand hard, stick to their faith in adversity.

personal skills: 1. be familiar with using ***x programming software.

2. familiar with ***x drawing software.

3. ****** use of ***x configuration software. (here the configuration software please refer to the "configuration software mcgs" translation)self-evaluation:

cheerful optimi**, enthusia** to make improvements. strong ability to work independently and ***mand coordination, can bear hardships and stand hard, stick to their faith in adversity.

personal skills: 1. be familiar with using ***x programming software.

2. familiar with ***x drawing software.

3. ****** use of ***x configuration software. (here the configuration software please refer to the "configuration software mcgs" translation)

4. familiar with ***xx mechanical structures and processes.

5. familiar with the road map and the gas distribution method.

4. familiar with ***xx mechanical structures and processes.

5. familiar with the road map and the gas distribution method.


方法如下 1 首先,開啟媒介工具 記事本 將word檔案裡需要匯入的資料,複製貼上到記事本當中,然後儲存成為txt檔案,本例中將txt檔案取名為 1.txt 2 開啟excel 點選 資料 選項卡,在 獲取外部資料 當中,找到 自文字 3 點選 自文字 彈出下一視窗,選擇剛才儲存的名為1的txt型別...


不需要這麼麻煩,你開啟你的txt文字,點標題欄的編輯,選擇下拉選單裡的替換,第一行輸入你想刪除的內容,複製貼上也可以的,第二行什麼也不輸,然後點全部替換就可以了 如何用批處理命令刪除txt檔案裡某一區域的內容 echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansionset v...


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