
2021-05-02 11:28:08 字數 7072 閱讀 2537




將下面所有的文字,複製到 記事本 裡,

把檔案儲存為 csz.txt,再把副檔名改為 .frm

即最終檔案全名為: csz.frm


version 5.00

begin vb.form form1

borderstyle = 1 'fixed single

caption = "猜數字"

clientheight = 3480

clientleft = 45

clienttop = 330

clientwidth = 5970

linktopic = "form1"

maxbutton = 0 'false

minbutton = 0 'false

scaleheight = 3480

scalewidth = 5970

startupposition = 2 '螢幕中心

begin vb.commandbutton command1

caption = "幫 助"

height = 375

left = 4140

tabindex = 12

top = 2700

width = 795

endbegin vb.optionbutton opbdh

caption = "顯示代號"

height = 255

left = 4200

tabindex = 6

top = 2280

width = 1455

endbegin vb.optionbutton opbwz

caption = "顯示文字"

height = 255

left = 4200

tabindex = 5

top = 1980

value = -1 'true

width = 1455

endbegin vb.commandbutton cmdtc

caption = "退 出"

height = 375

left = 4980

tabindex = 8

top = 2700

width = 795

endbegin vb.textbox txtgc

height = 2955

left = 120

multiline = -1 'true

scrollbars = 2 'vertical

tabindex = 7

top = 120

width = 3735

endbegin vb.commandbutton cmdcs

caption = "猜數"

height = 375

left = 5040

tabindex = 4

top = 1440

width = 675

endbegin vb.commandbutton cmdnew

caption = "新 題 目"

height = 375

left = 4080

tabindex = 1

top = 120

width = 1635

endbegin vb.textbox txtcs

alignment = 2 'center

beginproperty font

name = "宋體"

size = 18

charset = 134

weight = 400

underline = 0 'false

italic = 0 'false

strikethrough = 0 'false


height = 435

left = 4080

maxlength = 4

tabindex = 0

top = 1380

width = 855

endbegin vb.commandbutton cmdck

caption = "檢視"

height = 375

left = 5040

tabindex = 3

top = 780

width = 675

endbegin vb.label lblcs

alignment = 2 'center

caption = "0"

height = 195

left = 1200

tabindex = 10

top = 3180

width = 495

endbegin vb.label label2

caption = "[email protected]"

height = 195

left = 4200

tabindex = 9

top = 3180

width = 1515

endbegin vb.label lblsws

alignment = 2 'center

borderstyle = 1 'fixed single

beginproperty font

name = "宋體"

size = 18

charset = 134

weight = 400

underline = 0 'false

italic = 0 'false

strikethrough = 0 'false


height = 435

left = 4080

tabindex = 2

top = 720

width = 855

endbegin vb.label label1

caption = "猜數次數:"

height = 195

left = 180

tabindex = 11

top = 3180

width = 915


attribute vb_name = "form1"

attribute vb_globalnamespace = false

attribute vb_creatable = false

attribute vb_predeclaredid = true

attribute vb_exposed = false

option explicit

dim sws as string '儲存 四位數 的字串

dim cs as long '猜數的 次數

private sub cmdck_click()

lblsws.caption = sws

end sub

private sub cmdcs_click()

dim ts as string, txt as string, txtw(4) as integer

dim n as integer, zqs as integer, zqsw as integer

ts = "請輸入四位不重複的數字"

txt = txtcs.text


if len(txt) <> 4 then msgbox ts: exit sub

for n = 1 to 4

txtw(n) = mid(txt, n, 1)

next n


if asc(txtw(1)) < 48 or asc(txtw(1)) > 57 or asc(txtw(2)) < 48 or asc(txtw(2)) > 57 or asc(txtw(3)) < 48 or asc(txtw(3)) > 57 or asc(txtw(4)) < 48 or asc(txtw(4)) > 57 then msgbox ts: exit sub


if txtw(1) = txtw(2) or txtw(1) = txtw(3) or txtw(1) = txtw(4) or txtw(2) = txtw(3) or txtw(2) = txtw(4) or txtw(3) = txtw(4) then msgbox ts: exit sub

for n = 1 to 4

if instr(sws, txtw(n)) <> 0 then zqs = zqs + 1

if mid(sws, n, 1) = txtw(n) then zqsw = zqsw + 1

next n

if cs = 0 then txtgc.text = ""

cs = cs + 1

lblcs.caption = cstr(cs)

if opbwz.value then

txtgc.text = txtgc.text + txt + vbtab + cstr(zqs) + "個數字正確,其中" + cstr(zqsw) + "個位置也正確" + vbcrlf


txtgc.text = txtgc.text + txt + vbtab + cstr(zqs) + "a" + cstr(zqsw) + "b" + vbcrlf

end if

if zqsw = 4 then lblsws.caption = sws: msgbox "恭喜你!

你部猜中!" + vbcrlf + "猜測次數:" + cstr(cs) + vbcrlf + vbcrlf + "開始新題目!

": cmdnew_click

end sub

private sub cmdnew_click()


dim sz as string

dim n as integer, sjs as integer

sz = "1234567890"

randomize timer

sws = ""

for n = 1 to 4

sjs = int(rnd * len(sz)) + 1

sws = sws + mid(sz, sjs, 1)

sz = left(sz, sjs - 1) + right(sz, len(sz) - sjs)

next n

cs = 0

lblsws.caption = "????"

txtgc.text = ""

lblcs.caption = cstr(cs)

end sub

private sub cmdtc_click()

unload me

end sub

private sub form_load()


txtgc.text = "檢視 按鈕,可以先檢視數字" + vbcrlf + "用於在遊戲過程中 做弊" + vbcrlf + "如果不需要這個功能,可以將按鈕的" + vbcrlf + "visible 屬性設定為 false"

end sub

private sub txtcs_keypress(keyascii as integer)

if keyascii = 13 then


txtcs.selstart = 0

txtcs.sellength = 4

end if

end sub



乙肝難題 請專業醫生幫忙解答,萬分感激

你好 據你的情況你不需要 1 肝功能長期正常.2 乙肝兩對半為小三陽.3 hbv dna為陰性 4 b超正常 你以上指標全部正常是不需要 的 你的肝區應該是經常隱痛 所以乙肝小三陽患者都有這樣的症狀 這不是病變的症狀 放心 你只要吃好 喝好 休息好 就不會痛了!你日常生活要注意 不抽菸 不喝酒 不吃...


發現行為異常 走路不穩2天。患者自訴於2天前自服 鼠藥王 一包及蟑螂藥一小塊。出現行為異常 走路不穩 疲乏。現來急診。藥物過敏史不詳。有抑鬱症。查體 神清應答切題,精神疲乏。雙肺呼吸音清,心率70次每分。律整齊。步態不穩 碎步。行走時動作不協調。右下肢巴氏症陽性。心電圖 竇緩1.精神異常。鼠藥王 中...