
2022-08-15 05:01:38 字數 927 閱讀 4146


1.the boy's sister is drawing a picture now.(用「next monday'改寫句子)

2.where is mary from?(寫同意句)

3.what does your mother do?(寫同義句)

4.thr library is near the post office (寫同義句)

1 the boy's sister will draw a picture next monday

2 what nationality is mary?

3 what is your mother

4 the library is near the post office


1 the boy's sister will draw a picture next monday

2 what nationality is mary?

3 what is your mother4 the library is near the post office


1.next monday,the boy`s sister will draw a picture.

2.what is mary`s nationality?



1.the boy's sister is going to draw a picture next monday

2.where does mary come from?

3.what's your mother?

4.the post office is near the library


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