找高手翻譯一下 英文 ,找高手翻譯一下 英文

2023-01-11 16:46:07 字數 932 閱讀 2807


if falling in love with you, i will be hell, i had no fangu

if you love with you, bring things for the case, i used all over the world! !

if you love is wrong, i am totally wrong, if you love is a crime, hunger to drunk unforgivable oh, if you love is a yoke, i think i can not get rid of a lifetime! love you, my life is the most beautiful flowers bear the fruits! !


like you if i ,hell dare i go toword,never looking back.

fell in love whith you if i ,to be with you,i can give up all i had.

loving you is wrong supposed,i was wrong all around

loving you is criminous supposed,i was a criminal whitout extenuating

loving you is a chain supposed,i ain't able to break it,i know.

adoring you is a fruit of the most beautiful fllower of my whole life.


你擁有全世界嗎? 拿全世界換?



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