special grade a brass dian, automatic processing, high precision grinding and so on several dozens procedure.
far higher than international standard strict test procedures.
the length of 120 m using automatic ring electroplating line, four bottom three su***ce, the seven layers coating, the leading stars shine... like new.
valve core: with idling function, feel is lightsome and ***fortable, can ensure service life switch of 500000 or more.
looks fine grinding and polishing, and the use of advanced electroplating process, after acid copper, nickel, chromium multiple coating, coating with good electricity, attached close, the color and luster is even, excellent corrosion resistance, and ensure that the product su***ce gloss bright beautiful... like new.
缺了好多的空啊,也不太清晰,看得我眼睛好累哦 算了,就這樣也能翻譯了。不過先宣告,不能翻譯的非常順哦 阿曼達真的很激動。他們在海灘上為了看海龜寶寶已經等了很多天了。阿曼達和她的爸爸在天還是黑 估計是,dark 的時候就起床了,帶著他們的手電筒,小心翼翼地走向海灘。她爸爸叫她不要發出啊噪聲來,只要照著...
上次翻譯了半天,被人指是機器翻譯,積極性大減。答 v,一個成年人的神經組織,通過他的比賽去一半審訊中,一個偉大的爭取,但當我看到他的對手的單獨把他推緊密聯絡在一起,壞了,而且失去了大部分的獲得了上半場。審判的時候,一個人就有3.86秒的競爭是 那38.4秒 一個比較的時間,在其中的兩半試驗,計算出了...
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