
2021-05-19 01:29:29 字數 1412 閱讀 8995


:i gently hold your little hand,

the tiny hand

little hands with affectionate tenderness,

it slipped my mind share,

the corner turning,

i gently hold your little hand,

little hands with affectionate tenderness,

it slipped my mind share,

many hope that the time to stay in this moment,

when crossing the road,

you took my hand,

**all hand embodies the deep love,

so this is you go to the end of time,

the little girl little hands,

**all story interpretation of a little touched.

many hope that the time to stay in this moment,

when crossing the road,

you took my hand,

**all hand embodies the deep love,

so this is you go to the end of time,

the little girl little hands,

**all story interpretation of a little touched.

[note: this is the poem above the careless mistake. thank you! ]

the corner turning,

i gently hold your little hand,

little hands with affectionate tenderness,

it slipped my mind share,

many hope that the time to stay in this moment,

when crossing the road,

you took my hand,

**all hand embodies the deep love,

so this is you go to the end of time,

the little girl little hands,

**all story interpretation of a little touched.


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