1 to make stranger felt warm, concern other people the mightier than concern the oneself.
2 while thering is rift with other people, do not quarrel, want the company measures.
3 do not believe urgent to deviate from the friend's person every moment, because the troubles sees the genuine feeling.
4 for doing not hurt them, i did not tell they examine and did not pass.
在槍林彈雨下 仍就要前行 請不要獨自悲傷,在困難壓力面前低頭 記得總有一個人會陪伴在你的身邊,永不離棄 住行在如此的世界,我們都需要更多的勇氣 在任何的時候都不會熄滅的勇氣 槍聲四起 林中暗流 彈火橫飛 雨中依舊飛揚前行 下一個明天的美好在心中默唸 仍嚮往明天 就染紅昨日的灰色 要到達明天 向今日的...
你好,同學,翻譯如下 中國廣東省廣州市越秀區光孝路109號光孝寺郵編 518181 guangxiao temple,no.109,guangxiao road,yuexiu district,guangzhou city,guangdong province,china postcode 5181...
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