though i said there're many people i likes, the ones i liked are girls, expect you. thought i said there's only one person i would like, i did not find him yet.
even though i had once said that i liked many people, the ones i liked, except you, are all girls. even though i had once said that i would only like one guy, the one for me is still not found.
雖然我說過,我喜歡過很多人,但是除了你之外全是男生, 雖然我說過我喜歡的人只有一個,但是區還沒有找到
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1.high and low 例句 她的態度使上上下下的人都喜歡她。her manners recommend her to high and low alike.2.from cellar to rafter 例句 警察已把那座房子上上下下搜遍了。the police had searched t...
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