
2023-01-06 21:46:27 字數 1162 閱讀 3003


用since和for填空 1. for two years 2.since two years ago 3.

since last month 4. since 1999 5. since yesterday 6.

since 4 o』clock 7. for 4 hours 8. since an hour ago 9.

since we were children 10. since lunch time 11.since she left here 12.

he has lived in nanjing since the year before last. 13. i』ve known him since we were children.

14. our teacher has studied japanese for three years. 15.

she has been away from the city for about ten years. 16. it』s about ten years since she left the city.


1. for two years 2.since two years ago 3.

since last month 4. since 1999 5. since yesterday 6.

since 4 o』clock 7. for 4 hours 8.sincean hour ago 9.

since we were children 10. since lunch time 11.sinceshe left here 12.

he has lived in nanjing since the year before last. 13. i』ve known him since we were children.

14. our teacher has studied japanese for three years. 15.

she has been away from the city for about ten years. 16. it』s about ten years since she left the city.


名言 1 志不強者智不達。墨翟 2 天行健,君子以自強不息。文天祥 3 積土而為山,積水而為海。荀子 4 苟利國家生死以,豈因禍福避趨之。林則徐 5 一寸光陰一寸金,寸金難買寸光陰。增廣賢文 6 不傲才以驕人,不以寵而作威。諸葛亮 7 頑強的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座高峰!狄更斯 8 欲窮千里目,更...


一 指代不同 1 正曲率 對曲線上某個點的切線方向角對弧長的轉動率為正值。2 負曲率 對曲線上某個點的切線方向角對弧長的轉動率為負值。二 幾何體描述不同 1 正曲率 曲面上的三角形的內角和大於 2 負曲率 負曲率曲面上的三角形的內角和小 三 平面描述不同 1 正曲率 負曲率曲面上的三角形三角之和大於...


第一來個 用直線 源line 命令 畫的 bai和三條分格線,du然後用text命令寫好字,移動zhi move 旋轉 rotate 到dao各分格處第二個 線性標註 dimlinear 後,分解 explode 然後刪除掉尺寸線 第三個 也是用直線命令畫出引線,然後用正在用 圓命令 circle ...