
2023-01-11 07:41:06 字數 381 閱讀 2125


we ate some chinese dishes at a booth run by chinse oversea students, which made us feel as if we had returned to china. next to the chinse booth was one run by japanese. we also tried some dishes there, but felt they were not as delicious as the chinese dishes.



上面那些都是這個抄的!along with the rapid development of the work,the university campus is a brand new close munication mode,we call it the love for college stu...


怎麼可能自己翻譯呢。我們出國都是公證處給翻譯的,自己翻的不認證的呀,我們還想自己翻都不肯呢。你最好還是找公證的翻譯處給翻吧。社會心理學專題 social psychology 基本樂理入門 basic music theory rudiments 傳統家庭倫理的現代轉向 the modern tra...


narcissi exaggerated self admiration,exaggerated self love 解釋為 自戀 love myself love yourself 就這個了 love myself 這個是正確答案 cherish yourself love yourself lo...