
2023-02-18 02:10:40 字數 839 閱讀 3967


no one would use the whole life to do one thing, make one friend, or eat one kind of food. no one would spend the whole life just in waiting for another person.

no matter how far away, no matter how long, no matter where you are...i'll be waiting for you, for one year, two years, or ten years, even if, all my life has only ten years.



專業翻譯 來自英語牛人二團



請問是中譯英嗎? 如果是的話就這樣:no man will take a lifetime to do one thing, make a friend, eat a kind of food.

no one will take your life, only to wait for another person. no matter how far it is, no matter how long, no matter where you are, i will wait for you, even a year, two years or ten years, even if my life is ten years.


真愛學習,一定幫你到底。1.一個同學拿起一張紅紙,另一個同學往前衝。2.富含營養,這種詞是猜出來的,是引申義。3.參考一下http www.ext.colostate.edu pubs columnnn nn050506.html這篇文章,我沒有全讀,反正是美國人提的新口號。4.但如果夏天雨下得也很...


1.別發呆了!快踢開啊!2.碗麵都泡爛了,快點吃吧!哎 又在給我呼哧呼哧的吃?混蛋。3.怎麼這麼倒黴啊.能跟你在一起的也就我這樣的人.4.我不是嫉妒,我不是都說錯了嘛!5.來.枕在我腿上!才.才一分鐘啊 1.不是 作為痴呆 喲 已經踢ba做wa喲!請2麵條伸長喲,早吃喲!啊fuufuu做?笨蛋a 不...


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