suzhou museum
address: no. 204 north-east street
opening hours; day 9:00 ~ ~ 17:00
humble administrator's garden
address: northeast street in婁門no. 178
opening hours: 8:15 ~ ~ 17:30
price: high season (4.16 ~ ~ 10.30) 70 off-season (10.31 ~ 4.15) 50
suzhou zoo
address: baita road northeast平江路city on the 1st
price: 20 yuan
opening hours: 7:45 ~ ~ 17:00
su zou bo wu guan
di zhi:dong bei jie 204 haokai fang shi jian:mei tian 9:00--17:00
gei ge xin ku fen ba……
suzhou museum
address: northeast, 204 streetopen time, day 9:00 ~ ~ 17:00zhuozhengyuan
address: no. 178 lou door northeast street
open time: then ~ ~ 17price: season (4.
16 ~ ~ 10.30) 70 yuan (oct. 31 - off-season 415) 50 yuan
suzhou zoo
address: pingkiang road northeast city tower
price: $20
open time: 8 ~ ~ 17:00
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作業好好做,別想著抄答案,雖說能翻譯,但是你最好自己做,要不是學不會的 哪位大神能幫忙翻譯一下這篇英文的文章,謝謝啦!英翻中 大概的翻譯了一下,區域性可能不太完善,朋友二人穿過沙漠,在旅途中,他們討論了許版多,其中一個權扇了另一人一個耳光。那個被扇耳光的而感覺受到了傷害,就寫在沙上 今天我最好的朋友...